Terms of use
The helesco.gr trademark and website name belong to HELESCO S.A. company. Visitors / users / readers of the website’s content are requested to read carefully the specific terms of use mentioned below. By accessing the website’s pages, visitors signify that they have automatically agreed to the terms listed below, and that they have been fully updated on the specific terms of use, as well as on the legal framework that refers to the use of the website’s pages and services.
The helesco.gr website offers its visitors / users / readers all information regarding helesco and the services it provides. The content is updated as frequently as conditions dictate. The visitor / user / reader of helesco.gr electronic pages and services must know that, apart from the content’s digital presentation or publication, the company bears no responsibility whatsoever for any actions that may stem from it. Helesco company and helesco.gr website assume no responsibility for issues relating to time duration, deletion, appearance, or failure on behalf of visitors / users / readers to save texts, services and data. Visitors / users / readers are exclusively responsible for any financial obligations arising from the payment of various fees, telecommunications charges or other third party charges (time-charge for Internet use, telecommunications fees, etc). They also hold full responsibility for their choices while navigating through the Internet, as well as for the protection of their digital and telecommunications equipment from viruses, software use and various kinds of digital products and services. Helesco.gr features domains that require stating personal and other data. Submission of this data is confirmed and it is used solely for the purpose for which they have been requested. A detailed description of the specific partnership terms is available. The visitor / user / reader that completes the helesco.gr contact form must provide truthful, accurate, valid and complete information (personal or not) and make sure to update these facts should they change. The information provided may also be confirmed via telephone by helesco.gr executives.
Both the company and its shareholders are not responsible for any third party errors, omissions and liabilities in any content or for any malfunction or damage that may stem from any kind of content that is uploaded, sent, transmitted or made available by the visitors / users / readers of helesco.gr. Helesco.gr reserves the right to delete or modify the content if deemed necessary.
All content on helesco.gr, including texts, images, designs, graphs, graphics, pictures, services and all digital files in general, are the intellectual property of the website and the company, with all rights reserved. All trademarks and the website’s name are property of helesco company. They are all registered trademarks and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek Law, EU Law and international conventions and treaties on intellectual and industrial property. Therefore, none of the above can wholly or partly be sold, copied, negotiated, modified, reproduced, republished, transmitted or/and distributed in any way. As far as the site’s digital content is concerned, saving one and only copy or part of the content that has been selected by a personal computer is allowed, provided that this is employed exclusively for personal and not public or commercial use, and that no facts demonstrating the text’s helesco.gr origin are deleted. It is stressed that products or services mentioned in the electronic pages of helesco.gr, which bear the trademarks and logos of their respective companies, organizations, bodies, partners, unions, publications, services, etc, are the intellectual and industrial property of others. In that sense, helesco.gr and helesco Company are not responsible for any liabilities stemming from the use of these trademarks by third parties. The user / member / reader fully accepts that reproducing, copying, circulating, selling, reselling, or commercially exploiting wholly or partly the content of helesco.gr in an way is strictly prohibited.
The above stated terms and conditions applying to the use of helesco.gr website, their modification and interpretation, are all governed and complemented by the Greek Law, the EU Law and any relevant International Treaties. If any provision or term of the above memorandum shall be considered unlawful, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms of Use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. The above Terms of Use constitute the implicit, known and enforced agreement between helesco.gr and the visitor / user / reader of its pages and services. This agreement is binding only for them. Any modification of the present agreement is considered valid only if it has been stated in writing and has been integrated into this memorandum, which appears on the website.